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tv   KRON 4 News at 4  KRON  September 21, 2010 3:00pm-3:30pm PST

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live from the bay area's new station this is kron 4 news @ 4:00. and, our big story at 4:00 new details regarding to recent sexual assaults and one east neighborhood. investigators have released the locations of the two crimes. kron 4 shows you are the occurred. near the >> 1400 block and here close to 18 straight in lakeshore these of the two locations for oakland police say two women were robbed and sexually assaulted sunday evening on the way home. one victim just got out of the car when she is attacked. oakland police say both crimes happen within hours. investigators believe the san suspect might be responsible for the jews have been incidences. there just a few blocks in between the locations both neighborhoods predominantly have apartment buildings and the looks security is obviously concern appeared as
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most of these areas have secured doors. oakland police said they have stepped up patrols in the area and investigators are canvassing the area in search of the suspect. in oakland kron 4 news. >> date kron 4 spoke to people around lake merritt and their reaction to the assaults. >> happens every day and at lunch time is just the same. >> i think it's a problem now that we don't have as much police force you're going have these problems. >> it's very scary to think as a female i can walk around the street and be safe. >> it makes you feel unsafe a mix you watch your back and look around and it's unfortunate because this is a good area, a good neighborhood and i'm sad that happens to ever did it they need to catch him. >> a very sad about that because i love this neighborhood. >> right now police are working
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on a sketch and we will bring that sketch to you as soon as we get it. now toward developing story on the san bruno gas line explosion. this week crews will remove debris from the fire zone. christine conley shows us what they're being done to get ready for the process of what the health department says it all needs to happen quickly. >> the removal debris in the fires on is slated to begin thursday in the health department says they wanted done as soon as possible before the rainy season begins because they're worried there could be toxic chemicals in the debris. then he stepped out of the way and show you what's being done in preparation. so this would truckee see here and these crews are spring water into the fires, and try to get the soil is what is possible so they may begin removing debris and none of that test will fly up into the air. the first thing crews will do is remove these burned out cars that you see here. that will allow them to bring in
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heavy equipment and there are 34 homes here that are destroyed beyond repair and for those residents they're going to take away everything. the foundation and also the chimneys that you see here. everything will be gone so before this process begins, residents are being allowed back in to sift through the rubble and take any of their belongings that they can. once the process does start to the health department says they will monitor the area and air quality because they see the president's live close by to this in the want to make sure it's safe for them they believe the whole process could take anywhere from three to four weeks. in san bruno christine conley kron 4 news. >> >> cool and breezy out there today and live look from our mount tam cam. this some lingering cloud cover of the most part were seeing sunny skies. it our current conditions are much cooler than yesterday's
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close to the coastline not a whole lot of change but inland spots only in the upper 60s and low '70's in livermore in concord and warmer in antioch. 75 napa, 75 santa rosa, 71 in san jose. temperatures are down 5 to 12 degrees right now over what we saw 24 hours ago. the biggest change in land 10 degrees cooler in concord, 12 degrees cooler in livermore, 9 degrees cooler now that an novato and redwood city. tonight into tomorrow lingering clouds you will see on our satellite picture will get the fog back in the forecast it will be widespread tonight into tomorrow so will have fog and a similar debt out there tomorrow. big warmup slated for thursday into the weekend it's going to get really hot. all have that forecast coming up for you in a bed. >> the mayor of bell california is in jail tonight along with seven of his present and former colleagues. if prosecutors say they pocketed millions of
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dollars of salaries and benefits from a legal taxes on the city's largely blue-collar residents. oscar hernandez was hidden here july was taken away in handcuffs after police reportedly had to use a battering to gain entrance to his home. at district attorney called his crimes " corruption on steroids " carried he said the ringleader was former city manager robert rizzo. his salary for running a city was 40,000 people was $800,000. that's double that of the president of united states. >> result acting as the unelected and unaccountable for the city of bell secretly set his own salary, he misappropriated its substantial pay and benefits by increasing each of them through a series of actions that no one of proof of and few if any one know about. >> tonight he's being held on
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$3.2 million bail and the district attorney says if he manages to come up with the money, they will investigate where the money came from. city managers in the bay area are among the highest paid in the state last year the city manager's of danville, no valley, san ramon and livermore all earn more than $300,000. the list was compiled by watchdog group the following the salary scandal and belt. city council member saying that his salary number is an unfairly inflated because they reported a $70,000 that the city pays into his retirement and other cities did not. >> last year it showed a much higher number we contribute 35% to his retirement plan rather than putting it directly into a retirement plan which was not reported on a w-2 he chose to take it as a cash month some.
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really what to do is get a look at all the other cities and say okay, you're showing as your salary but what are you putting in on top of that for retirement and that of the other city show on on this over $300,000 with the retirement of mountains. >> campbell city manager also gets a for under $50 a month car allowances act and is able to cash out four weeks of vacation time every year. our web producer kimberly brings is a look at a data base which shows the salaries of city managers all across california. kimberly. >> we found the data best hopedu can see there's alameda, san the tail, santa clara. after that you take a city were going to sunnyvale. it you had said that you can take a look at sunnyvale right there he see the population is about a hundred and 40,000 in the city manager's
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paid little over $301,000. meantime over and richman to the population 105,000 new cd's and managers paid $258,000. if you like to take a look of this fine how much your city manager is making this our whats on the web section on kron 4 to read what right after the break will tell you about polluted waterways in california. [ woman on tv ] if you won't let me in,
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you can't really love me. i know about gayle. i don't know what you're talking about. if you just tell me what happened... [ ding ] [ man ] 35th and archer. next stop hamilton. [ brakes hiss ] ♪ [ male announcer ] now you can watch hit tv shows on your iphone when you get at&t u-verse tv. at&t. rethink possible.
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environmental group called save the bay released a new report of waterways with the most pollution from trash. 225 hot spots were reported this year jeff bush shows you what of the worst and explains why it's so bad. >> this is off of 66 avenue in oakland and shown up on the last year after year. it's not hard to see why you can see all sorts of trash floating in the water and on the shore line. i saw every kind of trash a imaginable a lot of it was on identifiable plastic stuff but the two things i noticed most was a packaging for chips and styrofoam
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containers. the trash is for chips and styrofoam containers. the trash is everywhere and some of it is a flip-flop, shampoo bottles and even an old christmas ornament. along with the odd things found there was an abundance of one of the most common letter items cigarette butts. hundreds of them can be found in the water and on the land. it's a unique problem that will be difficult to solve at least five curving creeks flow through oakland into the float a lot of trash is carried downstream in those creeks but one of the biggest sources of the trash is not too far away. the oracle arena and the coliseum are within sight of the slough the trash from the events there is carried by the wind and into the waterways. will not oakland and other cities in the bay area with similar problems are required to get a handle on hot spots but like this by 2014. the water board will require capture devices installed to filter the water that flows into the bay by then. in oakland jeff bush kron
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4 news. >> tuesday check on traffic this is the golden gate bridge on the left side of your screen a bit sluggish as you can see there. on the left side of the southbound for the pay gates in a san francisco moving well. we'll be back much more news ahead. [ female announcer ] jerry brown and oakland's schools.
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what were the facts? fact: march 7, 2000. brown asks voters for new mayoral power to appoint school board members. he gets it, and promises better schools. but the drop out rate increases 50%. the school budget goes into a 100 million dollar deficit. the schools become so bad the state has to take them over. it was "largely a bust," he admitted. jerry brown. failure as governor. failure as mayor. failure we can't afford now.
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failure as governor. failure as mayor. the riveras are taking their first family vacation. [ dad ] hey, do you guys want to see the largest artichoke ever grown? [ kids ] artichoke! artichoke! they needed some tools to help th keep track of their spending along the way. wells fargo checking with mobile banking lets them check their balance wherever they happen to be. the widest one or the tallest one? the closest. the closest. well, if you got the 4-wheel drive, you could go down this road here. [ mom ] i think we're lost. [ dad ] it's ok. we'll find some other big vegetable. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when life is mobile. ♪
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breezy and cooler this afternoon a look at our current conditions. five to tend to agree is cooler than what we saw yesterday especially in the north bay. cooler along our bay shore is only in the '60s today and inland as well. 69 livermore, 70 conquered it. also seeing pretty breezy conditions not only close to the coastline but inland as well. 20 mi. an hour winds in concord, 21 ççfairfield 20 in san franciso and several teams next year in there. here's what we can expect tonight into tomorrow. it will stay mostly clear this evening and also going to stay on the
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cooler side. tomorrow morning that fog will redeveloped and it will be pretty widespread tomorrow as well. in to the afternoon we'll see much of the same mix of clouds and son easy and cool conditions temperatures not changing all that much. let's get a look at the fog tracker for tomorrow morning the fog will be widespread at 5:00 a.m. you will see blanketing our inland valleys and the coastal bay shores. it will be extensive here in the north bay. in the later morning hour 7:00 starting to peel back but hovering over our inland valleys and later on in the morning pushing off shore. big changes so coming in our extended forecast check this out. thursday warm not similar to what we saw yesterday carried friday and into the weekend temperatures will get hot, hot, hot. monday triple digits inland expecting a widespread '80s in the bay shores and '70s along the coastline. >> in national news the wild
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fire in utah is still the big problem tonight. this fire was accidentally started by the members of the national guard to run a training mission there are firing guns in dry windy weather and the worst happen. three homes have been destroyed 16 addresses had to be evacuated people who live by it are furious and this was a problem just waiting to happen. the national guard has taken the blame and said those responsible will be held accountable. the 91 tapes have been released and this happened in washington state over the weekend. attacked a member of the washington state city council there he is, happened friday night he was walking his dogs whatç happened to his wife spotted him lying on the ground immediately called 91 here's part of the call. >> he's dying.ç making close te door. he's crawled upçó his head
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>> where is the bare now.ç >>ç he was at the door and i scooted him away.ç >> they did later should the barrick they say them man's wife the senate panicky but to the right thing by standing her ground shouting for the bear to go way he did not die he's recovering fromt( his injuries e is in stable condition tonight. your looking at the senate this is from earlier tonight on a bill to lift the ban on gays serving openly in the heat, and military. the white house and democrats have been fighting for a long time to get rid of this so-called a don't ask, don't tell law. in the upcoming congressional elections this fall for appealing the span could become even more difficult. >> changes from the the federal
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health law: attacked thursday they include an end to coverage to niles for children with pre- existing conditions. young adults coverage which means health plans will have to allow adult children to remain on their parents policies at age 26. there will be a restriction on the early dollar coverage limit that means health plans can alarm or impose a new coverage limits over $750,000 for a central off health benefits like health care drug emergency services and maternal and newborn care free preventive care as well news health insurance plans will now have to cover certain preventive services that mammograms and colonoscopy is without charging a copays. >> some the nation's top entomologists because bedbugs are becoming a growing problem throughout the nation. if abortion only there's no easy way to get rid of them there's a range of commercial and over the
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counter chemical control options available but, not always effective santa clara tracker control said the recent insurgence the bedbugs has led to a number of other innovative ways for controlling them. >> people have the option of going with professional pest control and obviously that segment of the market is responding to the need. there are various things that people can do for example you can put plastic casings around mattresses to help reduce the numbers of places that bed bugs can hide out. their various kinds of things that can be installed on the legs of beds for example. there are certain things like clothing and other objects in the house can be heat treated in various kinds of ways. there are innovative stuff there are some folks on the commercial side who are training dogs to sniff these things out. >> this is what bed bug bites
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look like these were suffered by college students after bedbugs invaded his store room. vector control says what makes it so difficult it is they can hide not just in bedding but it would work, furniture and even inside electronic equipment where they can lay their eggs. >> live look at cited traffic in san francisco this is the james lick 8101 split. the traffic is barely moving as it heads towards the lower deck of the bay bridge. southbound traffic on 101 moving also at a crawl as is usual this time of day. we'll on 101 moving also at a crawl as is usual this time of day. we'll be right back. 30,000 workers. when you're talking about massive layoffs, which we did... perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary. bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i'm proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself.
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[ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message.
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[ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer
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xç can cause coma andider's even death. the african black mamba can kill a man with one bite. but there's an even deadlier predator and arrested on suspicion of the wide trade assure you video from the crash which happened on the
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expressway 3:00 a.m. this morning. police say he lost control crashed into a light pole you can see the has to be caught fire and 18 year-old was trapped in the burning car he died police think he tried to hide from officers. set >> as a police are investigating as solo car crash that killed and 18 year-old man early this morning trade officers responded to reports of the crash that sent 3:00 a.m.. that's áe one that's heather was talking about. to vallejo police are investigating the city's 13th homicide of the year. police say they found the body of rickey in the car for boyfriend. officers arrested the boyfriend at his home and vallejo. investigators say he could us to the crimes to a co-worker and said his estranged wife. investigators say he is being held at the solano county jail. in the south bay, paul also does not like california's proposed san
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francisco pushed through los angeles: train which will travel for the city. last night the city council unanimously declared it has no confidence in the high-speed rail project the council wants state and federal officials to pull the money for the the $43 billion project. san francisco sport of supervisors has approved legislation that would expand the ban on tobacco çsales in its first reading. te current law bans the sale cigarettes and other tobacco products at drug stores. the new legislation would extend that ban to all stores that have pharmacies. the second reading as next week and that it goes to mayor new some who said he will sign the legislation. >> a look at our extended forecast a summer day tomorrow a big warmup into this weekend to complete the forecast is coming up in a few minutes.
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live from the bay area's new station this is kron 4 news @ 4:03 p.m. our big storyt


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